Release Notes - Blogunity - Version 0.2.3 (Codename: Ai)
New Feature
- [BGU-26] - Implement TrackBack functionality
- [BGU-49] - Adding attachments to blog-entries
- [BGU-53] - Uploading images and files
- [BGU-55] - Image-Gallery macro
- [BGU-67] - Create NL2BR filter
- [BGU-3] - Password Notification
- [BGU-56] - Create simple smiley-filter
- [BGU-64] - Web-Installer for Blogunity
- [BGU-65] - Change URL-mappings for actions and theme-files
- [BGU-66] - New user activation
- [BGU-20] - Importing XML-Feeds in non-latin encoding fails!
- [BGU-61] - Sorting of entries broken
- [BGU-62] - Save as Draft does not work